Food Quiz : Fruit and Vegetable Quiz - 110 Questions and Answers - FOODZAQ

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog FOODZAQ. Today I am going to share about Fruits and Vegetable quiz. This blog contain 110 questions and answers with short  description.

1. king of cereals - Wheat
Wheat is a grass, widely cultivated for its seed.
2. Queen of cereals- Maize
It also known as Corn
4. Poor mans meat- soybean
Soybean is a species of legume native to east Asia.
5. famine reserves- millets
Millets are the groups of small grasses widely grown across the world as cereal crops or grains.
6. camel crop- sorghum
It is a flowering plant in grass family, there are 25 types of sorghum are found across the world. 
7. Queen of oilseed - Sesame
It is a flowering plant. Also called benne
8. king of oilseed- mustard
Mustard seed is used as spice.
9. Queen of fodder crop- Lucerne
It is a flowering plant in legume family.
10.king of fodder cop- barseem
It is a winter crop in Egypt. Where it may have been cultivated since ancient time.

11. vegetable meat- Cowpea
It also called black eyed 
12. Poor mans substitute for ghee- Sesamum
Sesamum oil is derived from Sesamum plant.
13.poor mans friend- Potato
It is a root vegetable contains high amount of carbohydrates.
14.poor mans food- pearl Millet
It widely cultivated in Africa and Indian subcontinent. 
15.King of weed- Congress grass
It is native to American Tropics.
16. Drosophila of crop plants- Maize
It is also known as Corn.
17. king of coarse cereals- Sorghum
It also known as camels crop.
18. king of fruits-Mango
Native to Indian subcontinent and more than 100 varieties are found.
19.Queen of fruits-litchi
Native to the South eastern Chaina.
20.king of pulses-Gram
Bengal gram is the example of Gram.

21.Queen of pulses-Pea
Botanically pea pods  are fruits, since it contain  seeds and develop from the ovary of flower.
22.Queen of spices- cardamom
Native to  the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. 
23.King of flower- Dahlia
Native to the Mexico and Central America.
24.Food of god- Cocoa
Used to make chocolate and cocoa butter.
25.Queen of beverage-Tea
It is used to make stimulating drink tea.
26.century plant-date palm
Cultivated for sweet, edible fruit.
27.White gold- Cotton
It is a food and fibre crop.
28.Green gold- Opium
It is a dried latex obtained from the seed capsule of opium poppy.
29.king of arid fruits- Ber
It is also called Chainese apple.
30.Poor's men fruits-Ber
It is also called Indian palm.

31.King of tamparature fruits-Apple
It widely cultivated across the world especially in cold areas.
32. Butter fruit- Avocado
Botanically a large berry containing a single large seed.
33. Adam's fig- Banana
It is a elongate edible fruit. 
34. King of forest- Teak
It is a Tropical hard wood plant.
35. king of vegetable- Brinjal
It is a berry by botanical definition.
36. Queen of spices- Cardamom
Native to Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. 
37. Poor man's orange--Tomato
Tomato is a the edible, often red berry.
38. Poor man's apple- Guava
Guava is a common Tropical fruit, cultivated in Tropical and subtropical regions. 
39. Love apple - Tomato
It is edible often red berry.
40. Queen of oil seeds- sesame( TIL)
It is also called benne

41. King of spices- BLACKPEPPER
Usually dried and used as spice and seasoning.
43. Adam’s fig- Banana
Contain potassium, vitamin and fibre.
44. Kalpa Vriksha- Coconut
It is the fruit of coconut palm.
45. Queen of flowers-Rose
It belonged to genus Rosa.
46. Green Gold- Bamboo
It belonged in grass family.
47. Queen of beverage- coffee
It used to flavor various beverages and products.
48. wonder crop- soybean
It belonged in legume family.
49. Blanket flower is- Gaillardia
It belonged in sunflower family.
50. Miracle fruit is- kiwi
It is also called Chainese gooseberry. 

51. king of veg - potato
It is a root vegetable having rich carbohydrates. 
52. Tree of paradise- Banana
Elongated, edible fruit.
53. Apple of Paradise -Banana
Contain potassium, vitamin and fibre.
54. Monkey Jack -Jack fruit
It is the biggest fruit in the world.
55. Apple of Tropic - Guava
Also called Indian palm.
56. King of Arid fruits- Ber
Also called poor man fruit
57. Chinese Date -Ber.
It looking like apple.
58. Chinese Fig - Ber
Also called Indian palm.
59.Five Corner fruit - Carambola
Also called star fruit.
60. Star Apple- Phalsa
It was found first in Varanasi, India 

61. King of Temprate fruit - Apple
It is cultivated world widely, especially in cold regions. 
62. Queen of Nut - peanut
It is a legume mainly cultivated for its edible seeds.
63. King of Nut - walnut
A walnut is the edible seed of a drupe, and thus not a botanical nut.
64. Gold mine of West land - Cashew
Cashew is a evergreen tropical fruit, that produces cashew apple and cashew nut.
65. Sapodilla plum - Sapota
Native to southern Mexico, Central America and Caribbean.
66. Fancy Fruit - Mandarin
It is a small citrus fruit, which produce orange like fruits.
67. Black Plum - Jamun
It is commonly called Java plum .
68. Indian Black Berry - jamun
It is also known aos Black plum.
69. Black Plum - Jamun
It is called as Naavar pazam in tamil langauge.
70. Melon Tree - Pappaya
Its scientific name is Carica pappaya.

71. Indian Gooseberry - Amla
It is a tree grown in India, Middle east and Southern Asia.
72. Malacca Tree - Amla
It contain rich Antioxidant content.
73. Wolf Apple - Tomato
Tomato is a read, edible berry.
74. Vilayati Baigan - Tomato
Tomato is a read, edible berry.
75. Butter Bean- Lima Bean
It packed with protein, fibre and other nutrients.
76. Egg plant - Brinjal
Typically used as vegetable for cooking.
77. Kindney & Snap bean - French bean
These are normally fatty and fleshy.
78. Indian Bean- Dolichos Bean
It is native to Afric, but widely cultivated through out the world for food.
79. Horse & Faba Bean - Broad bean
It can be used as raw.
80. Vegetable of 20 century - Winged Bean
It is also known as Goa bean.

81. Potato Bean - Yam Bean
Commonly called Mexican yam bean or Mexican Turnip.
82. Misrikand - Yam Bean
This include in leigume family and Native to central America.
83. Balsam Pear- Bitter Gaurd
These are the rich sources of vitamin and minerals.
84. Bitter Cucumber- Bitter gaurd
It have some side effect like dairrhea. 
85. Vegetable of Immensd Value - Pumpkin
It contain thick shell with seed and pulp.
86. Wax & white Gaurd- Ash gaurd
It also called winter melone.
87. Swiss Chord - Paalak
It is flowering plant widely growing in central and western Asia.
88. Beetleaf - Palak
It is flowering plant widely growing in central and western Asia.
89. Horse Raddish Tree- Drumstick
It is the one of the rarest plant whose flower, seeds and leaves are edible and extremely nutritious.
90. Vegetable of 21 century - Chekurmanis
It is a shurb, widely grow in south east Asia.

91. Black Eyed pea - Cowpea
It is important grain legume grown in Africa, America and Asia.
92. Wholesome Food - Musk Melon
Now it has been devoloped into different cultivated varieties.
93. King of Annual Flower- Pensy
It is a large flower cultivated as garden flower.
94. Lovers Chain - Coral Vine
Also known as Mexican creepers.
95. Schlor's Tree - Ashok
It is grown in Indian subcontinent and adjacent areas. 
96. Bodhi Tree - Pipal
Grown in Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. 
97. Peacock - Gulmohar
It is a ornamental tree and in English it is called Royal poinciana.
98. Blue Gum - Safeda
Mango variety produced in Andhra Predesh, India
99. China Shoe flower - Gurhal
It is a flowering plant in the mallow family.
100. Pigeon Berry - Duranta
Native from Mexico and South America.

101. Poorman's Orchid -Schizanthus
Also called Butterfly flower.
102. Love in a Mist- Nigella
Native to Southern Europe.
103. Star flower- Phlox
They are commonly found in north america.
104. Cone Flower - Rudbeckia
They are exceptionally easy to grow.
105. Cape marigold -Dimorphotheca
It is a plant include in sunflower family.
106. Pot Marigold - Calendula
The flower used to make medicine.
107. Dog Flower - Antirrhinum
Commonly called dragon flower or snapdragons.
108. Bunny Rabbit - Antirrhinum
They are native to rocky areas of Europe, United states and Africa.
109. Babys Breath - Gypsophyla
It is the flowering plant in the carnation family.
110. Plough Crop - Cashew nut
The tree of cashew nut can grow 14m height.

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