Types of Milk - FOODZAQ

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog FOODZAQ. Today we are discuss about Types of milk. Are you know the definition of milk. Milk is a whole, fresh, clear, lacteal secretion obtained by milking of healthy animals. Milk should be colostrum free and containing minimum prescribed percentage of milk fat and milk non solid fat. 

Types of Milk

  1. Toned Milk (TM)
  2. Double Toned Milk (DTM)
  3. Standardized Milk (SM)
  4. Homogenized Milk 
  5. Recombined Milk

Toned Milk

Toned milk refers to milk obtained by the addition of water and skim milk powder (SMP) to the whole milk. Under PFA rules 1976, toned milk should contain a minimum of 3% fat and 8.5% SNF (solid non fat). Steps for making toned milk are described the following.
  1. Receiving water
  2. Pre heating (38-43C)
  3. Addition of SMP
  4. Mixing
  5. Addition of milk
  6. Mixing
  7. Filtration
  8. Pasteurization at 63C for 30 minutes
  9. Cooling
  10. Packing and storage

Double Toned Milk

Under PFA rules, double toned milk should contain a minimum of 1.5% fat and 9.5% SNF. Method of preparation of DTM is same as TM.

Standardized Milk

This is a milk whose fat and SNF content have been adjusted to a certain pre determined level. The standardization can be done by partially skimming the fat in the milk. Under PFA rules, the Standardized milk should contain a minimum of 4.5% fat and 8.5% SNF through out the country.

Homogenized Milk

Milk in which fat globules are broken up to smaller particles of uniform size lesser than 2 micro meter in size. This done by a machine called Homogenizer. Here the milk is forced at high pressure (2500psi) which breaks up fat globules. So that fat globules do not rise to the surface to form a cream layer. The effects of homogenized milk are :
  • Fat is finely divided.
  • Richer flavor and color due to increase in number and surface area of fat globules.
  • The color become densely white due to increase in number and area of suspended particle capable of reflecting and scattering light. 

Steps for making Homogenized milk are described the following.
  1. Receiving milk
  2. Cool at 5C and storage
  3. Pre heating (35-40C)
  4. Filtration or clarification
  5. Cooling at 5C
  6. Standardization and storage at 5C
  7. Pre heat 60C
  8. Homogenization at 60C with 2500psi pressure
  9. Pasteurization (HTST)
  10. Cooling at 5C
  11. Bottling
  12. Storage

Recombined Milk

This refers to the product obtained when butter oil, skim milk powder and water are combined in the correct proportion to yield fluid milk. Under PFA rules recombined milk should contain a minimum 3% fat and 8.5% SNF through out the country.

Merits of recombined milk

  • Helps to maintain shortage of fresh milk in developing countries.
  • Helps to prevent price rise of liquid milk in cites 

 Steps for making Homogenized milk are described the following.
  1. Receiving water
  2. Pre heating at 38-49C
  3. Addition of skim milk powder and mixing
  4. Addition of butter oil and mixing
  5. Filtration
  6. Pasteurization at 63C for 30 minutes
  7. Homogenization at 63C with 2500psi pressure
  8. Cooling at 5C
  9. Packaging and storage

Other Special Milks

  1. Vitaminized Milk
  2. Sterilized Milk
  3. Flavored Milk
  4. Rehydrated Milk

Rehydrated Milk

It refers to milk prepared my dispersing whole milk powder in water approximately in the proportion of 1 part powder to 7.8 parts water. 

Merits of Rehydrated milk

  • Used by armed force in developing countries.
  • Helps to prevent shortage of fresh milk in developing countries.
  • Helps to prevent price rise of milk in cities
Steps for making Rehydrated milk are described the following.
  1. Receiving water
  2. Pre heating to 38-43C
  3. Addition of whole milk powder and mixing.
  4. Pasteurization
  5. Cooling
  6. Packaging and storage

Guys, Thank you for reading my blog FOODZAQ. I hopes you should understands about Types of Milk. If you have any doubts or suggestion please feel free to comment below. If you like this blog, you can check my previous blog as well. Thank you again. Have a great day.

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